Our Activities

  • Hosting peer support groups offers individuals a platform to share experiences, provide encouragement, and offer emotional support, or simply engage in conversations about shared interests and life challenges. These interactions in a supportive environment help reduce feelings of isolation and foster a sense of belonging. Additionally, we've found that groups centred around games are effective in helping individuals open up and relax naturally. Moreover, within these groups we can promote and support for self-advocacy skills which empower individuals to articulate their needs, rights, and preferences in different settings

  • We offer a wide variety of group exercise classes. Activities such as yoga, dance, or Zumba provide opportunities for physical activity and fitness but also stress reduction, and social connection in a supportive and inclusive setting.

  • We offer a wide range of outdoor activities at Ucan such as nature walks, excursions to places of interest, cycling, and gardening. These provide excellent opportunities for getting out in the fresh air, physical activity, sharing new experiences with others, and social interaction in a natural and calming environment.

  • All levels of our cooking class ensure that we cover the importance of easting healthily. Whilst some may offer more detailed nutrition education all cover skills such as meal planning, food preparation, and kitchen safety can empower individuals to prepare their own meals and make healthier food choices.

  • We recognise the significance of independent travel for accessing the wider community. Confidence in safely navigating public transport enhances mobility and the ability to reach community resources. Additionally, it fosters social connections and addresses the challenge of social isolation, while also opening up opportunities for work experience for some individuals.

  • We offer a wide range of creative arts & crafts activities aimed different levels of ability. Engaging in art activities such as painting, drawing, sewing & textiles, craft enterprise and sculpting provide a creative outlet for self-expression, team work and helps individuals explore and process their emotions in a supportive environment.

  • We offer a number of activities that are aimed at promoting social skills but also understanding and dealing with social situations. These activities focus on communication skills, assertiveness, personal space and safety and building positive relationships which can help individuals develop confidence, navigate and respond to social interactions and social situation’s more successfully.

  • Our Music & Drama Groups offer an inclusive platform for everyone to participate. Through acting, role-playing, and improvisation, individuals can freely express themselves, fostering creativity, boosting self-confidence, and forming social bonds. Additionally, showcasing short performances serves as a rewarding experience, promoting a sense of self-worth among participants.

  • At Ucan, we provide classes at various levels to assist individuals in understanding the value of money and the significance of managing it wisely. For some, simply recognising the role of money and the need to care for it represents a crucial step towards independence. For others, our guidance on budgeting, saving, and financial management empowers them to handle money responsibly and make informed financial choices

  • Offering vocational training programs can help individuals develop the skills and confidence needed to pursue employment opportunities. At Ucan we focus on offering support to individuals whilst they engage in real activities. This could be working in our canteen making and serving lunch, in the weekend café or going out on landscaping or decorating jobs. It can also be through their own enterprises within Ucan; running a tuck shop or offering a nail and hair service to fellow service users.

    Ucan currently offers two 16-week work-related programs, each tailored to the individual's readiness. One is a volunteering program, providing opportunities for individuals to shadow and develop skills across various areas within Ucan. The other is a paid work experience program lasting 16 weeks. Both afford the opportunity to gain qualifications too. Areas currently include:

    • Reception work

    • Cleaning services

    • Landscape Gardening

    • Kitchen Assistant

    • Radio Station

  • In our music sessions, participants engage in listening to music, singing, dancing, designing and playing instruments, and performing. These activities can be an excellent source of boosting self-confidence, but also relaxation, reducing anxiety, and encouraging social interaction. They also help individuals develop confidence and express themselves.

  • Therapeutic Pet Care is a new service offered at Ucan, and it has shown remarkable success. By spending time with our pets, individuals have the opportunity to learn about their needs, provide care, and engage in play activities. This experience fosters relaxation, a sense of responsibility, and improved focus. Moreover, it has proven beneficial in helping some individuals manage their behaviour and transfer these positive elements to other aspects of their own lives and relationships with others.

  • With a purpose-built gym we are able to offer individualised and specific plans aimed at improving physical fitness. We also, however, have a range of other activities such as mountain biking and swimming that can improve physical fitness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

  • We offer a range of activities that can assist in the development of daily living skills. These range from focusing on the importance of good personal and oral hygiene to key household chores, and the essential skills to maintaining a safe organised life. Again, we recognise that for some, small improvements in these areas can go along way to gaining independence in their lives and for others it can be the stepping stone to moving on in their lives and potentially improving the chance in the world of work.

  • At Ucan, we view active involvement in our community as essential to our mission. It not only allows us to fulfill our role as a social enterprise but also empowers individuals to contribute to and feel connected with their local area. Engaging with the community also provides an opportunity to showcase individuals' skills and qualities.

    Throughout the week, various groups participate in community engagement initiatives. Whether it's volunteering at the Alzheimer's Café, participating in fundraising groups, or adopting and maintaining neglected local areas, these activities foster social connections and promote a sense of integration within the community.